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  • Lou Héomet

Imelda's prediction

Dernière mise à jour : 29 avr. 2021

A simple story told by an old lady, a childhood memory. However, this enigmatic story would be about to come true. Was it another tale from the woman or a prediction heralding a dark future ?


It was a Tuesday afternoon, the bell announcing the end of class rang. A few minutes after, a bunch of children were running like crazy outside the school. Only four children, around eleven years old, were going down the stairs of the school, quietly. Others called them "the nerds" or "the weirdos". Their real names were Noah, Max, Ophelia and Thomas. It didn't matter to them, they lived in their own world, that's all.

There was only one girl in their little group, Ophelia. She had incredible bright red hair. In the middle of the street, the red haired girl stopped, turned around to her friends and looked at them with her icy blue eyes before asking, " Can we go to the arcade ? It's been a while."

The tallest of the group answered her in an annoyed voice, "Ophelia! Did you forget that it is Tuesday? It means that grandma Imelda is waiting for us, so, hurry up guys, before she falls asleep!"

Ophelia looked at her friends with a disappointed glance before following them.

That sarcastic one of the group was Noah, Imelda's grandson. Imelda lived in a tiny white house with a lovely garden filled with flowers of all colors. It seems like her modest house was from another world, a calm, colorful and poetic world.

The four kids, arrived in front of the charming house surrounded by blossoms. They pushed the fence open and hurried to the back of the garden, without forgetting to tread carefully around the irises, which are so precious to Imelda.

As usual, the woman had her white hair tied up in a bun, her pastel blue dress on and her shawl draped over her shoulders. She was sitting in front of a fire, lost in her thoughts with her eyes closed. Without disturbing her, the four friends sat around the fire, waiting for the old woman to start the story.

As she opened her green, mischievous eyes, her facial expression suddenly changed. She started to speak in a low voice, Imelda seemed troubled, no one had seen her like that before. Her friendly grin and her sparkling gaze had faded away, replaced by a serious and solemn face. Imelda said to the children in a strangled voice, "Listen children, it's not going to be one of my funny stories this time" She paused before telling them ," I've seen the future."

Ophelia, Noah, Max and Thomas stared at the woman with wide eyes, they couldn't believe what Imelda had just said. This was nonsense. Before the friends could say anything, Imelda raised her voice, took a deep breath and then began the story, or rather, her prediction.

"2020, the year of all surprises

Which will see a new disease rise

It's not going to be a success,

More like hopeless"

Imelda loved to start each new story with a poem or verses she had written, she was a poetic woman with a brilliant imagination. This poem was nothing like the ones she usually recites, they gave frightening chills, they were dark, they were announcing a sad story.

The children's face became pale. They weren't joking anymore, all focus was on Imelda's deep voice.

"The spirits have spoken. A disease, pain, anxiety, wars, countries that fall apart, a suffering humanity. In less than 35 years a series of uncontrollable events will disturb life on earth. My vision wasn't clear enough to determinate the source of all of those tragic incidents. I saw an animal, the origin of the disease that will cause so many torments, perhaps it is a pangolin."

"A...what? " asked Thomas with a confused face.

Ophelia answered her friend with her sweet voice, "It's an animal, I suppose, but, it's weird, just like this story, in fact. I want to know more, Imelda, please continue"

The old lady nodded.

"I saw death, everywhere, in every country. People's faces covered with masks, relationships destroyed. However, humanity will have to fight, to be more united than ever. Do you hear me children? Promise me to never forget your friends and family. I saw a lot of people, dying alone, falling into depression. I won't let that happen to you. No matter what happens, always remember that even in the darkest moment there is a source of light that will show you the path. This is not only a prediction, it is a message to remind you to never give up, and I want you to remember this: in thirty-five years, think about what your old grandma told you this Tuesday afternoon in 1985."

Tears were appearing in the children's eyes, suddenly the lively garden became dark, there was no more joy in that place which used to be so colorful. On their way home, the four friends were silent, all looking down. Imelda's prediction tormented them.

Max, always optimistic and cheerful, said to his friends in order to cheer them up, "Hey guys, I know that this story was...intense, but believe me it's nothing more than one other tale from Imelda's imagination. You have nothing to worry about. Now come on we still have time to go to the arcade! "

"Hope you're right Max," responded Noah in a low voice.

35 years flew by, the little group is now forty-five years old, which means it is January 2020. Since that night in 1985, none of them had thought about Imelda's words, it was a childhood memory. None of them pondered about it, until a month ago.

The reporter on the TV announced that there was a rumor about a virus; a virus probably transmitted by a pangolin. All of this matched the prediction perfectly, and it was terrifying.

Ophelia, Max, Thomas, Noah, his wife and their two kids were all together in Noah's living room, eyes focus on the TV, exchanging worried looks.

"We all know about this virus that appeared in China a few months ago. Unfortunately, the United States found their first case," announced the TV presenter.

None of them were listening anymore, they didn't have to, they all knew what was going on.

"Now we are all screwed," sighed Noah, slumped on his couch, his oldest girl on his knees.

Ophelia sat next to him and said with a slight smile, "It seems that Imelda wasn't only a grandma with too much imagination, she maybe had real powers after all."

They all sighed.

"Dad? We are all going to be ok right? It's nothing big I hope?" the little girl with her big green eyes asked Noah, her worried face betraying her fear.

"Of course, dear. We'll get through this, it won't last long." He was trying as much as possible to hide his worry and the tears that were welling up.

The old friends all looked at each other, they knew, they all knew that it wasn't true.

However, once an old lady told them to never give up, to always stay together and to protect their beautiful friendship. They are now, 35 years later, prepared to face the worst.

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