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  • Aurelien Wogue


Dernière mise à jour : 6 avr. 2021

She was very late to a meeting they all had to get to because it was about a sort of vision that could effect our near future. When she finally got there, looking like a wet mess, she sat down around the big table and caught up on what they had started to talk about. Apparently, it was not only one psychic that had seen in their tarot decks a dangerous disease that would spread all over the world and kill millions of people. An entire conversation and debate started, “Should we inform our government ?” Sheila the palm reader anxiously murmured.

The problem that this organisation had been experiencing is the fact that spiritual jobs have not been taken seriously for a long time; many people don’t believe in it and it’s all made up.

“Would the government really want to hear what we have to say and do something about it ?” Paula questioned.

They all started to argue about what would be best to do given the circumstances. After an hour of debate, they decided to try their chance with the government. They would compile as much evidence as possible and helps as they could, they would build up a whole presentation on it and hope to be heard.

Of course, they needed an alternative, it it goes as they fear it, they will go and search for other spiritual organisations and put together a campaign to spread awareness and get people to start talking about the issue.

Days later, we were all on our way to a meeting with the mayor and have a serious talk about our premonitions. We had created a whole presentation with evidence.

When we got there they welcomed us very politely and nicely, we all sat around this oval table and we started presenting board we had made build up out of our intuition. 

After two hours of debating it, they concluded that they would consider what we said, but they could not do anything to prevent the disease as they didn’t believe our evidence was good enough.

We had two options: giving up and just wait for the future or fight for people to believe us. As we were absolutely certain of our visions were correct, we chose to be strong and do everything to make the pandemic not happen.

We all started brainstorming on what we could do and we ended up agreeing on organising a campaign. To gain attention we would appear on a tv show to inform the population of the disease.

The day of the protest, more than two hundred people showed up to our campaign which gave us hope that we were supported, the government had heard about it and responded to us at the end of the day.

“Protesting about a deadly virus will make our situation worse! You are making fun of yourselves by doing it, may you stop” said the government.

We did not take it as a sign to stop, so we continued to fight and some times important people like doctors, pharmacists and journalists would write to us and explain that had also heard from other countries and did research on it.

Time went on and three months later the whole city had heard about the disease COVID-19 in China, the population were all surprised as it made them remember our campaigns.

Though, the government still didn’t want to prevent it coming to the US as they didn’t believe it would leave China. 

We started getting scared because we knew what would come for us and the consequences this disease would have. We tried a second time to have a meeting with the mayor, but we couldn’t get anywhere again.

Some doctors would be on our side and were started to look for a solution, but it would take a long time.

Later in the month, the news had informed us that Covid-19 had effected some cities in the US. As soon as the tv turned off, we got a call from the mayor asking for help and apologising for what they had done in the past. Now they wanted us to tell them all we knew and wanted to see in the future. 

In the spirit of generosity, we accepted their apologies and decided to work with them as hard as we could to prevent this disease from becoming a nightmare. 

This made people finally start believing our work, which was a huge relief as it gave us hope. 

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